Esan Avanti: The joy of fraternity | The Catholic Voyage

Esan Avanti: The joy of fraternity

2024-09-10 | Faith-Life

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Esan Avanti: The joy of fraternity

Pope Francis, in Fratelli Tutti, reminds us that “our world is being torn apart by wars and violence, and wounded by a widespread individualism which divides human beings, setting them against one another as they pursue their own well-being” (n. 92). This is a reality which, unfortunately, we continue to experience today. Finding oneself in a different cultural context, one of the challenges faced by priests and religious, on some occasions, is individualism – the tendency to isolate oneself. Esan Avanti is an antidote to this (individualism).

Esan Avanti is a group of priests and religious from Esanland either on studies or on mission abroad. On the 15th of December 2023, the members of the group gathered for a Christmas get-together. This year’s meeting was held at the community of the Salesians of Don Bosco at Testaccio in Rome. The rector of the Salesian community, Fr Orestes Filastrol, SDB from Brasil welcomed all and briefly presented the life and mission of the community. The Salesian community at Testaccio comprises a parish, an oratory and a residence where more than 40 Salesian confreres studying in various pontifical universities in Rome reside.

As people of faith, the Christmas get-together could not but begin with the celebration of the Holy Mass in thanksgiving to God for his graces and blessings through the outgoing year. Fr Oseni Ogunu of the Oblates of the Virgin Mary presided at the Eucharistic celebration. The homilist, Fr Ambrose Obaze highlighted the importance of continuing to connect to the Lord. The reflection was anchored on the Psalm of the day: “Bring us back, Almighty God! Show us your mercy, and we will be saved!" (Psalm 80,7). He noted that the Psalm is a prayer made to the Lord by the people of Israel who sought his assistance to enable them to reconnect to Him after their disconnection through the exile experience. He noted that in the season of Advent, Christian believers are also looking forward to the presence of the Lord, for Him to be reborn in their hearts. He concluded by asserting that the more believers are connected to God, the more they are overshadowed by his grace. He invited all to continually seek the face of the Lord and be connected to Him day by day.

 The get-together was also enriched with a moment of sharing of experiences. The members were spiritually encouraged as each member shared his or her personal experiences – how life has been either as students or as pastoral agents in the area of their respective missions.  This sharing brought to the consciousness of all members the joys and the challenges encountered. The Christmas get-together was likewise memorable because of the delicious and well-prepared lunch. Having the opportunity to eat some Nigerian delicacies is not a regular thing for some people abroad. For some of us, it has been months since we had the opportunity to eat Nigerian food.

The fraternity we share is founded on our baptism. Through baptism, we have been called to be children of God and brothers and sisters among us. “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Gal 3,28). This unity is the bedrock of fraternity. Each one of us felt the joy of fraternity which animated our sharing and the entire Christmas get-together. As members of Esan Avanti, we are united in our day-to-day struggle of fulfilling our call to be true witnesses of the Gospel. In this sense Pope Francis affirms that “no one can face life in isolation… We need a community that supports and helps us, in which we can help one another to keep looking ahead” (Fratelli Tutti n.8). Esan Avanti is a community that helps her members to realize what Pope Francis earlier said. We need one another. It was for this reason that, even though majority of us had busy schedules, we all made it a point of duty to be present. At the end of the get-together, we all went home renewed, having been nourished in all ramifications: in our hearts, minds and bodies.

