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A Brief Introduction

The Catholic Voyage is a platform for encouraging online visibility of Nigerian and International catholic researchers. It allows multiple journals of different researchers to come together under one host. It is equally is a website that hosts and indexes academic journals from different higher institutions and associations.
At Catholic Voyage, we welcome well-researched articles on historical and contemporary issues from any area of ecclesiastical disciplines and human sciences relating to Consecrated Life and Society of Apostolic Life, especially in African context. In particular, it appreciates topics dealing with issues of Consecrated Life and Society of Apostolic Life; from this viewpoint, articles concerning Religion, Priesthood, Sacred Scriptures, Church history, Theology, inculturation, human development, Culture, Morality or Ethics, Education, Health Care, Canon Law, Church, Spirituality, Philosophy, Anthropology, Sociology, psychology.
The journal also presents sections on book review, and Documentation and reports concerning the activities of the CMSN, when available. It is a great platform for online visibility of Nigerian researches and researchers through Open Journals System. Contact us on Phone: +2347031048438, Email: voyagecmsn@gmail.com.
The CATHOLIC VOYAGE by Conference of the Major Superiors of Nigeria is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Based on a work at http://cmsn.org.ng/artc.asp
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